Power Tank T-Scale

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Make sure you're prepared with enough CO2 before each trip with the Power Tank T-Scale. Unlike compressed gases like N2 which are measured in psi, liquid CO2 in a Power Tank is measured by weight. The only way to gauge how much CO2 is left in your bottle is to weigh it. 

First, take the weight of your Power Tank when completely empty. We recommend keeping the regulator and handle on the bottle when noting this weight. Write it down on the white rectangle on the front warning decal. Now you have something to check against to make sure you received a full fill from your CO2 source and also to make sure they didn't over fill your bottle. You should also weigh your bottle before each outing to make sure you'll have enough CO2 in your Power Tank when you need to air up. 

The Power Tank T-Scale makes this process very easy. It features a large back-lit LCD screen viewable from above and a 100 lb. weight limit. The strap is easily wrapped around your Power Grip Guard handle and will not leave scratches in the paint. The scale weighs in both LBs and KGs. As an added feature, it will also read the temperature in Fahrenheit and Celsius. 


  • Back-Lit Screen
  • 100 lb. Weight Limit
  • Measures Weight in lb. and kg.
  • Measures Temperature in °F and °C
  • Includes CR2032 Battery

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